
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Endings and beginnings

I've been waiting a while to write this post.

2014 is drawing to a close; a memorable year for me.
Because- WHOOP!- I wrote a book. A good one this time; perhaps crucially the right one for me to write.
A book that went to auction post-Bologna- WHOOP WHOOP!
A book that I am so proud and delighted to say is going to be published in a gorgeous hardback edition by Walker Books next June, and then to be followed by three more- WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!

But mainly- ALL THE WHOOPS!!- I wrote a book because I was sent an illustration which unlocked characters for me in a great, glorious whoosh: Not a way I ever knew my brain worked before.
That illustration was by the wonderful, generous Clara Vulliamy. I couldn't be more delighted to announce that my book is also HER book. Whatever thoughts I may have about my own words I can confidently say that our book is going to be the most beautiful object; crammed with warm, funny, delicious illustrations on every page. The proofs made me cry.

Our book, for those that like to categorise, is 'young fiction'- designed for 6 to 8 year olds or thereabouts- although I hope both those younger and much older will enjoy it too. It concerns the meeting and friendship of two very-dear-to-my-heart characters. Much more than that I'm not going to reveal just yet...

This post also marks time to bring The Little Wooden Horse blog to a close. THANK YOU to all who have read and commented on my posts over the last two years. Writing here has brought so many new adventures and friends. In the New Year I will be linking to a new personal blog where I hope I will be able to share the next bit of my booky journey. And in due course, reveal a little more about those characters...

In the meantime, here's me and my- very deep breath WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!- quite quite brilliant illustrator plotting stuff earlier this year. Careful study might reveal a first clue for those that like that sort of thing...


  1. WOW. I knew you've been writing, but this is terrific news! Congratulations to both you and Clara

    1. Thanks Zoe. I can't wait to show everybody the loveliness! x

  2. Congratulations to you both, this is very exciting news! Can't wait to read the new book :)

    1. Thanks Catherine. I look forward to be able to show more too! x

  3. Congratulations Polly! I have loved your blog - and still want to have a little free library - and I am sure I will love the books you and Clara write. I am squinting at that picture for clues - is the notebook significant? A diary for example?

    1. Ah thank you Anne. Everyone NEEDS a little library I think. Clues-wise it's about location more than notebook. But I am being a bit mean because it's not very clue-y. In the New Year I shall give some more hints perhaps...

  4. Oh my Lor'...lucky you (plural)!! What fun to be able to work with Clara. Can't wait to see this super treat.

  5. Thanks Julia. I am VERY LUCKY INDEED.

  6. I am so proud and happy for you...I have always known you were brilliant now everyone that doesn't know you will know that.too!! Fxx

    1. Thank you dear Fi- you will be pleased to know I have been having quite detailed discussions about comma placements this week xx

  7. Congratulations to both you and Clara
    Story Books
