
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Superhero overdose

When I Became a Mother of Boys I was prepared I might have to become an expert in a few new subjects outside my existing knowledge base and spent some months of Bill's babyhood mentally readying myself.

I guessed there would be a vehicle obsessive phase of some sort and steeled myself to learn the difference between a BMW and a Volvo at 20 paces, a front hoe and a back hoe loader and to try and enjoy Thomas the Tank Engine.
I thought there might be a dinosaur phase and practiced pronouncing some of the trickier ones like Compsognathus and Archeoptyrex.
I anticipated that I might need a more detailed understanding of the different formation tactics of the Roman infantry.

As it turned out none of these things came (or have yet come) to pass. What I should have been studying or what I now know more than I ever thought I would about is Superheroes and their nemeses. Not just the likes of your Spidermans or your Batmans- oh no. I know the difference between the Marvel bunch and the DC (not dissimilar to remembering which is a Greek or Roman God). I know who started out a goody and then became a baddy and who started out a baddy and then became a goody and of a select few who then turned back to their original status once (or even twice) more. I know who the Teen Titans are and how the Justice Society of America differs from the Justice League of America (that's pretty specialised stuff). I can name the Metal Men and tell you the names of all 5 'Robins'*. 
I can tell you're impressed.

We have various sources of information in the house that have underpinned my knowledge. A beloved selection of annuals are Eddie's current comfort blanket, including the equivalent of a Superhero pre-school primer 'Spiderman and Friends'; where Spidey, Doc Oc, the Beast and others hang out at  school together and solve problems like cows escaping from a farm or a cat stuck in a tree. The next step up from that is the supremely strange 'Superhero Squad' annual which had us following the Human Torch cupcake recipe this weekend (pretty good- turns out the Human Torch is a useful baker). And finally the standard Marvel Heroes version,where as you may appreciate from the comparative faces of the Hulk below- things get a little less cute.
Don't be deceived by these cakes 'ordinary' appearance. They are  Human Torch Super cakes.

But my personal favourite has to be our set of Fandex Deluxe DC cards. It's a difficult object to describe but it basically consists of 76 different cut out Goody and Baddy characters with all their vital statistics and a lovingly detailed potted version of their 50 or so years of comic backstory held together by one central pivot fastener. You can thus use them as little pop-up puppets for enacting battles behind the sofa or just work your way through the most arcane details of the DC Universe. They've seen a lot of action in the two or three years we've had them and helped bring me up to speed.
There are other Fandex sets available- they're a US import- and are probably very well known if you're coming to me from there but worth tracking down from obscurity here too. If Superheroes aren't your thing how about Mythology? Or Butterflies? or even Dinosaurs...

Fandex Deluxe: DC Comics Superheroes and Villains, pub. Workman publishing isbn 978-0761158561

*Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Jackson "Tim" Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne



  1. Love this post! I went through exactly the same thought process with the arrival of my two little men, although I have to say that my construction vehicle revision has come in VERY useful thus far - Charlie is more than a little obsessed with them right now. I never thought that I'd read a blog post that referenced front and back hoe loaders and not even flinch, let alone have to look up what they were! We haven't reached the superhero phase yet, but will bear your experiences in mind for when we do...

    1. I used to know IN SEQUENCE every vehicle involved in laying a new road.
      I seem to have forgotten that now.

  2. Oooh, oooh, I really should have had boys! ;-) I want to know everything about superheroes too, I feel like I had a deprived childhood being a girl and never really caught up lol That fandex looks fab, will add to my wish list (it's a big wish list sadly!) My most expensive book purchase *ever* is the 75 Years of DC book which the girls are so far not allowed to touch! So, Bill and Eddie - are they Marvel or DC? ;-) Eldest only knows 60's TV Batman so far (youngest no interest) so must improve on this but I like the darker stuff so can't share with the kids! Any recs on starting places? Thanks!

    1. 60's Batman film may be my Best Ever, ('shark repellent spray!'-joy) and boys obviously watch it with NO sense of irony at all. Eddie definitely a Marvel man at present, Bill has vacillated (DC darker I think) but now moving more towards Phoenix/Beano/Captain Underpants superhero re-interpreted silliness. Take girls to Batman Live show if it ever returns as a big treat for you all- excellent silly fun. Otherwise treat yourself/them to the Fandex when you can justify it- they'll enjoy playing with the characters and you'll enjoy reading the cards. But Marvel/DC generally retain a pretty misogynist view of the world I'm afraid so you may be better off waiting and going for 'Gum Girl' (see Library Mice)or 'Mobot High' in due course...

    2. Daddy is a huge fan of 60's Batman so film often watched, also there are two utterly appaling Scooby Doo / Batman crossovers that we've seen more times than I can count... ;-) Thanks loads for recommendations, will keep an eye out and encourage them as much as possible - Phoenix as soon as they're reading ;-) xx

  3. My son had a superhero birthday party for his last party but has since become fixated on Star Wars, which I'm not sure really counts. I know lots of detail about the Jedi and the Sith now, more than I want to know! We make little books about star wars too (he dictates and draws the pictures, I scribe). I know where to come when we move on to other superheroes now...

    1. Oh yes we do Star Wars too. Bill changed schools halfway through Reception and all the boys at new school were SW crazy so we had an Emergency Weekend Crash Course of watching all the original films to bring him up to speed. I can't do Clone Wars though. despite best efforts never been able to follow one episode through to the end without mind wandering onto laundry, supper etc. Al out worse than Bakugan Gundalian Adventures....

    2. Oh and there's a Star Wars Fandex set I think;)

  4. I'm still rather fond of two paperbacks I bought more than 30 years ago - they sustained me on two separate train journeys back to school - which between them contain the first 14 Spiderman Adventures. If you promise to look after them than, as the Father of girls, I think I could bring myself to lend them to you.
