
Tuesday 29 May 2012


My first competition!

Here is the current state of Eddie's end of bed book mountain. Every so often I try and shift some out and back to the shelves at which point meltdown ensues and there is an outraged hour post bed time at which you can hear him muttering and padding back and forth across the bedroom floor to liberate the re-imprisoned tomes.
I just don't want him to die from crush injuries.

So, rather than 'guess the number of sweets in the jar' I'm running a guess the number of books in the bed. Whoever gets the closest will win... A Jar Full of Sweets! or alternatively a copy of whichever book in the pile catches your fancy (although I warn you getting hold of 2010 Scooby Doo annuals may be difficult). That makes sense doesn't it? In the event of a tie break Eddie will draw a name from a hat.

To enter just comment your guess at the bottom, but for reasons of postage I'm going to stick to UK only I'm afraid. If you don't have the right 'id' to comment but still want to have a punt feel free to email or tweet a guess at me and I will add it in for you. Entries will close on Friday at 12ish.

Good Luck. Off to find out the answer myself.

You can click on the photo to enlarge it for a better look. (I know you probably know that already but I didn't for AGES)


  1. and we're off with the first guess from Sophie at 49

  2. I'll guess 41 which seems a good number to have on your bed, question is how many are underneath the bed?

  3. Ellie is staking a claim for a Douglas Adams inspired 42

  4. Ooh all quite similar! I'll go higher with 52. We have overflowing piles of books too :)

  5. A nice round 50. You wouldn't really part with Martha would you? ;-)

    1. goodness wouldn't be ALLOWED to part with anything! But I will supply a nice fresh copy to the Lucky Winner ;)

    2. Phew! I was worried for a minute. Letting books go? The very thought ;-)

  6. Was going to go for good old 42, but that seems to be taken so I'll guess 43 please!

  7. Nathalie is entering a 47

  8. Liz coming in and upping the ante with 65

  9. Farfelu also interested in 46

  10. I'm sneaking in a late entry and guessing 58.

    1. ooo. tactical. Just under 2 hours to go...
